Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Anyone have any thoughts on the now defunct Point to Point program or West Coast Timeshare Ltd. that used to own them? Check out the Did You Know??? section for more...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Check out this video
Hitler Has to do an Update with Wyndham
Admittedly, it is only funny if you work in timeshare, but if you don't then what are you doing on this blog?!?!?
Seen any other funny timeshare videos? Link them in the comments box below!

A New Day

Greetings to all the timeshare warriors out there! This blog is dedicated to you, the ones in the trenches, doing your best on a daily basis to explain to unwashed masses of vacationers why their system of travel is inferior to the one you are offering.
So, this is the place to look if you want to know what is happening in our highly competitive vacation club world. Want to know where your friends are? Check here. Who has been promoted or fired? This is the place. What company is offering the best commissions? Read the blog. What sales track pitches the most heat or is the cleanest? The Gossip knows. If it happens in the timeshare world, you will read about it here.
If you have information to help in the quest to always provide the latest in information, rumors and of course gossip OR want to find out about something specific, email me at, or post it in the comments section below. Let me know what you think, good bad or ugly!